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    An item is missing from my shipment.

    1. Check Order Details: First, visit "My Account" at the top right corner of our site. Ensure that all the items you ordered have been marked as shipped. Sometimes, items might be shipped separately due to size or availability reasons.
    2. Review Packing Slip: Cross-check the received items with the packing slip or invoice that came with your shipment. This will help verify if any item was missed during packing.
    3. Wait a Day: In rare instances, shipments can get separated during transit. If this happens, they often arrive a day apart. So, it might be worth waiting another day to see if the remaining items arrive.
    4. Contact Customer Service: If after these steps, you're still missing items from your order, please contact our customer service right away. We're here to help resolve any issues and ensure you get all your items promptly.
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